Upcoming Seminars about Material Religion and Flowers, Clay, Fabric, Lead, Bones, Water, and Wood

A series of seminars and discussions about material religion and flowers, clay, fabric, lead, bones, water, and wood, hosted by the Baron Thyssen Centre for the Study of Ancient Material Religion at the Open University. You may find the details by following the link above.

Citer ce billet
Thomas Blanton (2021, 1 novembre). Upcoming Seminars about Material Religion and Flowers, Clay, Fabric, Lead, Bones, Water, and Wood. Genitalia & Co. Consulté le 18 avril 2024, à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/oywy

Thomas Blanton

Thomas R. Blanton IV holds a PhD in Biblical Studies from the University of Chicago Divinity School. He is the author of A Spiritual Economy: Gift Exchange in the Letters of Paul of Tarsus (Yale University Press, 2017), coeditor (with David B. Hollander and John T. Fitzgerald) of The Extramercantile Economies of Greek and Roman Cities: New Perspectives on the Economic History of Classical Antiquity (Routledge, 2019), and cochair of the Early Christianity and the Ancient Economy program unit at the Society of Biblical Literature. He is currently writing a monograph entitled The Circumcision of Abraham: Modeling Ritual from Genesis to the Letters of Paul for the Anchor Yale Bible Reference Library.

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